Hamza Altarturi - Articles

Unveiling the Power of NLP Topic Modeling with Python

Last update July 25, 2023

In the vast expanse of the digital universe, text data is being generated at an unprecedented rate. From social media posts and news articles to research papers and business reports, we are surrounded by a sea of text data that holds valuable insights waiting to be discovered. One of the most powerful tools to extract these insights is Topic Modeling, an unsupervised machine learning technique that allows us to analyze large volumes of text data. Topic modeling is a part of Natural Language Processing (NLP). With the power of Python programming language, let’s create our model for today!

Topic modeling representation

What is NLP Topic Modeling

Topic modeling NLP is a technique that clusters documents into groups based on their similarities. It is particularly useful when dealing with large amounts of unlabeled text data. The ability to automatically extract the underlying themes or “topics” from a collection of documents makes it an invaluable tool in many real-world applications. For instance, it can be used to cluster a large number of newspaper articles that belong to the same category, understand customer sentiment from social media posts, or even identify trends in academic research from a corpus of scientific papers.

In the context of Python, one of the most common approaches to topic modeling is the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) algorithm, which is a part of Python’s Gensim package. LDA is a generative probabilistic model that represents topics as word probabilities and allows for uncovering latent or hidden topics as it clusters the words based on their co-occurrence in a respective document.

There are various models utilizes the LDA to emhance its performance on special applications, like Webpage topic modeling (check out my recent paper on HTML Topic Model).

Steps to Perform LDA Topic Modeling in Python

Creating a topic model involves several steps, including data cleaning, text preprocessing, creating a document-term matrix, and finally, applying the topic model. Here are the general steps you would follow:

1. Data Collection

Gather your text data for which you want to identify topics. This could be a collection of documents, social media posts, customer reviews, etc.

In this post, we will be using a collection of processed documents from Wikipedia. It can be used for various NLP tasks including topic modeling.

Learn more about Wikipedia dataset in Python here.

2. Data Cleaning

This step involves removing any irrelevant items from your data. This could include HTML tags if your data comes from web scraping, or other non-textual elements.

3. Text Preprocessing

This is a crucial step in any NLP task. It involves:

  • Tokenization: Breaking down the text into individual words.
  • Stopword Removal: Removing common words that do not contribute much to the meaning of the text.
  • Lemmatization/Stemming: Reducing words to their root form. For example, “running” becomes “run”.
  • Removing punctuation and lowercasing: This helps to avoid having multiple copies of the same words.

4. Creating a Document-Term Matrix (DTM)

This is a mathematical matrix that describes the frequency of terms that occur in a collection of documents. In a DTM, rows correspond to documents in the collection and columns correspond to terms.

5. Applying the Topic Model

Use the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) algorithm. Python libraries like Gensim can be used for this purpose. This step will give you a set of topics, each represented as a collection of key terms, and a weight distribution of topics for each document.

6. Reviewing and Interpreting the Topics

Topic models will output a list of topics, each represented as a list of words. You’ll need to review these to determine what the “label” for each topic should be.

7. Visualizing the Results of the LDA Topic Model

Tools like pyLDAvis can be very helpful to visualize the topic model results and interpret them.